Board of Trustees


Our Leadership

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees’ authority is governed by the controlling law of the AME Church as incorporated in THE DOCTRINE and DISCIPLINE OF THE AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. This document effectively serves as the Constitution of the AME Church. 

This means that the Discipline outlines the responsibilities of the Board of Trustees. As with all AME churches, the Pastor, Rev. Dr. Jonathan C. Augustine is the Chairman of the Board. The leadership, therefore, falls after Pastor Augustine to the Chair Pro Tem, William A. (“Drew”) Marsh III to have legal authorization in the pastor’s absence and to govern along with 10 Trustees. 

The Board is responsible for all of the property of the church. This includes the building, financial assets, vehicles, structures, and land owned by the church. The management of these assets is governed by respective Committees, the membership of which is composed of those who have specialized knowledge, experience, and interest in the subject matter. 

The Board is currently engaged in refining our Technology “footprint” as streaming our church’s activities becomes more common. A strategic plan envisions our future growth and expansion. 

The Committees at St. Joseph are: 
  • Facilities - John Smith, Chairman
  • Transportation - Evester Bailey, Chairman
  • Grounds - Clarence Lewis, Chairman  
  • Technology - Quan Williams, Chairman
  • Policies and Procedures - Azzie Conley, Chairwoman   
  • Security  

St. Joseph AME Church

Board of Trustees

William A. (“Drew”) Marsh III,
Chair Pro Tem

Evester Bailey

Dr. Tyrone Baines

Azzie Conley

Elvert Dorsey

Desdemona Faison

Carolyn Henderson

Clarence Lewis

I. Jarvis Martin

John Smith

Quan Williams

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